A lot of people claim to "have the best friends in the world", however I am most certain that I do. I have 4 friends who I would do anything for and 4 friends of whom I would crumble without. I'd like to pay a little tribute to these 4 friends who complete my life and mean everything to me.

1. I'm going to start with my best friend John Castillo. I consider him my brother. I don't know where I would be without him. It is hard for me to explain my relationship with John because we are so close. Sometimes it is hard for me to believe that we came from separate moms because we function like twins. We sense when each other is sick or unhappy and we both become depressed when apart for long periods of time, which is a struggle since John moved to San Diego for school. John is the perfect best friend. He has the best advice and loves me more than any other friend I've had. John and I have had our share of fights...big ones that would tear most friendships apart, however we have managed to get over them. God must have something important in store for our friendship, we just know it. I would be lost without John...I feel like he is part of me, like we were one person split in half. Never did I think that two friends would be so close. He is so supportive of who I am and is so proud of me and I couldn't ask for anything better out of a best friend. John is the person who I can laugh with about the dumbest stuff that other people would look down on us about or think we were super lame. John has taught me a lot about who I am and has helped shape the Christian I am because I find him to be an inspiration and role model. I look up to him so much because he is such an amazing person. If I could be just half the person he is, I'd feel as though I have accomplished more than I thought I could in a lifetime.

2. Next up is Nicole Presley...my wonderful little Nic Pres!! Nicole is like my sister. I look up to her so much when it comes to bible knowledge. She is so smart, and I aspire to know just as much as she does. Nicole is the best co-leader I've ever had. The way we work together is magic. We are always on the same wavelength and I love that I don't have to say anything to her, because she already knows what I am thinking. We never argue, but if we disagree, she is so smart and relaxed about things. We work things out so easily. Nicole is one of the most reliable people I know. She will put aside whatever she is doing if I need someone to talk to, and she is ALWAYS there for me. I can't think of a time she hasn't been. Nicole is so comforting and so fun to be around. She is a wonderful role-model for the middle school girls we work with and she brings an excitement and energy to everything she does, which inspires me. Oh, and did I mention that she has the most gorgeous curly hair??

3. This is Melissa Palmieri...we are notorious for taking awkward pictures. Melissa has been my best girlfriend since high school. We spent every waking moment together my senior year that we just became attached at the hip. I think Missyla makes me laugh more than anyone on this list. We have laughed to the point of almost vomiting because we couldn't breathe and our stomachs hurt so badly. We have had some of the craziest adventures...things that would only happen when we are together. She is so beautiful and has one of the most AMAZING singing voices. We dance in the car together, are known for getting in car accidents and somehow always hit each others' bosoms by accident. We still can't figure out why. My greatest theatre memories ALL involve Missyla. we have done countless shows together and she is the friend I can expect to respond to a text at 3am if I ever need a friend. Melissa and I laugh about THE STUPIDEST things and ask each other the dumbest questions that we would never ask anyone else for fear of humiliation. We are also known as the 2 girlfriends that know every single lyric to most Eminem songs. Melissa is one of the best listeners and has a joke for every bad situation just to lighten the mood. We are the oddest friends for sure, but lovable none-the-less.

4. Last but most definitely not least is Brett Knight. I don't even know where to begin with him. I've known him for the shortest amount of time, but have one of the strongest connections with him. Brett gave me the best compliment I have ever gotten back in July when we were at camp. I had opened up to him about my past and fears about the future and he told me to look at Proverbs 31. He said that I didn't have to worry because everything that God said a woman should be is what he saw when he looked at me. Anyways, Brett is a super special. I love spending time with him because he is such an uplifting individual. He has probably the best sense of humor out of anyone I know and he makes me smile WAY too much. Brett is the type of person that can completely turn a bad day around. He can make the rest of the world disappear. He can make you forget anything that was upsetting you and boost your spirits without even trying. I love how we "bicker" constantly...even though he always wins. I love the fact that instead of finishing my sentences he can finish pretty much any song I'm singing. I also look up to Brett a lot. I really aspire to be the type of Christian he is. He is such a leader and I think it's super rad how cool he is. Brett is always there to keep me company and I love that I can talk to him about anything. It's great that I can be my total dorky, sassy, odd self around him, yet that's what makes him love me even more as a friend. When I am around him I tend to say the stupidest things that I never say around anyone else...as humiliating and annoying as it is, i can't help but love it. Even if he never does let me live it down. Brett is hands down the most amazing guy I know and deserves the best out of life. He inspires me to chase after my hopes and dreams because I feel like he is the perfect example of having an ambition for something you love to do. There are about eleventybillion other marvelous things I could say about Brett, but I don't have the space to do so. Next to John, Brett is my #2. He means the world to be, and I feel a little cooler everyday, just because I associate with him. haha.
“A friend drops their plans when you're in trouble, shares joy in your accomplishments, feels sad when you're in pain. A friend encourages your dreams and offers advice--but when you don't follow it, they still respect and love you.”