I really like this quote from Tom, because I feel like with whatever passion we have we tend to hit bumps in the road, but through what we love to do it brings everything together. The fighting stops, the depression, the whatever it is you go through, just for those moments, but then everything falls a part again when it's over. Why is that? Why is it that through music and performing (I will use this as my example because its what I love to do) we can put everything aside for that time and work together, but can't function on a normal day to day basis?
What do you think it is?
It's something I have been pondering for a while which I can't put my finger on. I know when I perform or start to sing I'm in an alternate state of mind, and maybe that's it. Maybe it is the alternate state of mind we find ourselves in when music takes over.
I guess when people say music is therapy it really is. For me I find it to be a self confidence booster. When I'm onstage singing in a musical or performing at a recital or competition I feel like I am as beautiful as I can be, not just physically, but emotionally too I guess. It's that cycle of communication with the audience, where you feel as though the audience could almost feel your heartbeat because they are so close to you with feeding off your emotions and what not. You can relate to people through music...it's like you have a whole new group of friends even if you've never talked to them before, because they respond to your emotions and you feed off theirs in such an intimate way. It's amazing how music does that...how you don't have to speak, you just feel and use your other senses.
What is it about music that is such a universal language. What is it about the way that God created us that makes music so easily enjoyed, relate-able, and emotional? Maybe it's because God designed worship as such an important part of praising Him...that could be it.
It just amazes me that you can have absolutely nothing in common with a person, yet the one thing you do have in common is how much you love music, even if you don't listen to the same genres.
(Photo Credit: Dan Cater)
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